13 Courses
Semester VIII
Dietary supplements are also called food supplements or nutritional supplements. They can give you nutrients that might be missing from your diet.
Semester VIII
deals with the application of instrumental methods in qualitative and quantitative analysis of drugs.
Semester VIII
the investigation of the interaction of chemical substances with biological systems.
Semester VIII
A Cosmetic Science degree can help open up employment opportunities in cosmetic, personal care, chemical, pharma, and associated testing organizations.
Semester VIII
cover key skills in genetic analysis, cell manipulation, and bioinformatics
Semester VIII
finding, developing and analysing medicines and related biological active compounds by computer methodologies
Semester VIII
Identification, quality, and purity of herbs and herbal product confirmation are done by the means of standardization.
Semester VIII
the 'collection, detection, assessment, monitoring, and prevention' of adverse effects with pharmaceutical goods is known as pharmacovigilance
Semester VIII
Keeping track of the ever-changing legislation in all the regions in which a company wishes to distribute its products.
Semester VIII
branch of marketing science and practice focused on the communication, differential positioning and commercialization of pharmaceutical products
Semester VIII
Understanding the concept of prevention and control of disease, social causes of diseases and social problems of the sick.
Semester VIII
Understand and compute the descriptive statistical measures that appear in the medical scientific articles