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6 Courses

Clinical Toxicology
Year IV
Preview Course

Year IV

Clinical Toxicology

involves the research, prevention and treatment of diseases caused by chemicals, drugs and toxins

Biopharmaceutics& Pharmacokinetics
Year IV
Preview Course

Year IV

Biopharmaceutics& Pharmacokinetics

Biopharmaceutics deals with the study of physiochemical and physiological factors that influence the liberation and absorption of drugs from different dosage forms.

Biostatistics & Research Methodology
Year IV
Preview Course

Year IV

Biostatistics & Research Methodology

 it allows researchers to determine whether or not their results were meaningful on a statistical level.

Clinical Pharmacy
Year IV
Preview Course

Year IV

Clinical Pharmacy

a stream of Pharmacy that includes direct patient care with the extensive usage of medications to optimize the health outcomes of patients.

Hospital Pharmacy
Year IV
Preview Course

Year IV

Hospital Pharmacy

 a department within a hospital that prepares, compounds, stocks and dispenses inpatient medications.

Year IV
Preview Course

Year IV


the use of drugs for the prevention, treatment, diagnosis, and modification of normal functions